Okay, have downloaded the latest project, put it in a new folder, compiled it, assigned pins to the 12-bit RGB output, clock, reset, hsync and vsync, and connected my USB-TTL lead to the board, connecting Tx and Rx and setting up the serial port in PuTTY according to your instructions. Have not changed anything else.
Am getting this:
(Attachment Link)
As you can see, what I'm typing in PuTTY is getting echoed back to the terminal (have tried it with Tx/Rx reversed on the board to make sure it's wired up correctly - obviously nothing comes back at all), but nothing is appearing on the screen.
I'm just hunting through the code to see if there's any obvious reason it's not working for me, but it's going to be something I've done wrong...
EDIT: Also, just a thought, but isn't the output of the USB-TTL a 5v signal? If that's the case, isn't there a chance I could be damaging the IO on the board? (Note: I have only got the Rx/Tx and GND connected to the board - RTS and CTS are 'connected' to inactive (tri-stated) IO pins, as I don't want to pull the connector apart to isolate just Tx, Rx and GND, if that makes sense.
Funny, with no rs232 text into the board, you should still have the original test text. Your typing should overwrite the test text as you type.
If your echo is coming from the FPGA you didn't kill your FPGA since the echo of the text I made goes through IP code.
If you see your text still and your terminal software doesn't have local echo enabled, or half duplex enabled, this means my RS232 baud rate is correct and the UART, fifos, status flags are all 100% functional as all these need to work correctly to pass a character through. It's just for some reason, at least 16k worth of writes somehow made it through the com port erasing your font and everything else.
Test #1, disconnect the 'host_wr_ena' like so:
This will stop the write and show the original text font test pattern. Otherwise, something else went wrong.
Your color palette looks wrong. Could be you need a pull-down resistors on the RGB, or decoupling caps as well, or the RGB ports are wired wrong. Remember, R(3:0), not R(1:0). Check your pin assignments as these may be assigned to the wrong pins.
gpu_16K_RAM.mif wasn't included in the list of project files, but since I've added that it hasn't made any difference either.
Yes, i just downloaded the 'GPU_12bitcolor_rs232debugger_test.zip' and checked. The 'gpu_16K_RAM.mif' is in there.
Test #2, put back the 'host_wr_ena' and change this 1 line in my source code: (Line 56, rs232_DEBUGGER.v')
if (ena_rxd_dly) host_addr_reg <= <= DEBUG_RST_ADR ; //host_addr_reg + 1;
This should stick any writes to cursor position 1, so, every key you hit should only show the new letter pressed at that 1 top left cursor position. The letter should stay, not blink. If this works, don't worry, my actual writes will be protected by a setup string preventing + a write enable lock which will be on by default during powerup.