Here we go, I cleaned up your sync generator. You had a few bugs. Now, I don't have Quartus installed anymore and I just typed it in a text editor, so please bear with possible errors. Once you understand my changes, you may remove anything you don't like:
// (default 640x480) 60Hz VGA Driver
// but can take parameters when initialised
// to output sync signals for any screen
// resolution
// |- LINE
// __________________________ ____|
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// | | |
// --------------------------------- V_RES
// | |
// | |
// ---------------------------- SCANLINES
module sync_generator(
// inputs
input wire pclk, // base pixel clock
input wire reset, // reset: restarts frame
// outputs
output reg pc_ena // ***** New pixel clock enable ... For now, you will use pc_ena[0] which divides the clock by 2.
output reg hde, // Horizontal Display Enable - high when in display area (valid drawing area)
output reg vde, // Vertical Display Enable - high when in display area (valid drawing area)
output reg hsync, // horizontal sync
output reg vsync, // vertical sync
output reg [9:0] h_count, // current pixel x position
output reg [9:0] v_count // current line y position
// default resolution if no parameters are passed
parameter H_RES = 640; // horizontal display resolution
parameter V_RES = 480; // vertical display resolution
// no-draw area definitions
// ***** switched to parameters so you can edit these on quartus' block diagram editor.
parameter H_FRONT_PORCH = 16;
parameter HSYNC_WIDTH = 96;
parameter H_BACK_PORCH = 48;
parameter V_FRONT_PORCH = 10;
parameter VSYNC_HEIGHT = 2;
parameter V_BACK_PORCH = 33;
// total screen resolution
localparam LINE = H_RES + H_FRONT_PORCH + HSYNC_WIDTH + H_BACK_PORCH; // complete line (inc. horizontal blanking area)
localparam SCANLINES = V_RES + V_FRONT_PORCH + VSYNC_HEIGHT + V_BACK_PORCH; // total scan lines (inc. vertical blanking area)
// useful trigger points
localparam HS_STA = H_RES + H_FRONT_PORCH - 1; // horizontal sync ON (the minus 1 is because hsync is a REG, and thus one clock behind)
localparam HS_END = H_RES + H_FRONT_PORCH + HSYNC_WIDTH - 1;// horizontal sync OFF (the minus 1 is because hsync is a REG, and thus one clock behind)
localparam VS_STA = V_RES + V_FRONT_PORCH; // vertical sync ON
localparam VS_END = V_RES + V_FRONT_PORCH + VSYNC_HEIGHT; // vertical sync OFF
/* moved above
reg [9:0] h_count; // line position
reg [9:0] v_count; // SCANLINES position
reg [9:0] z_count; // Frame counter for CPU animation
// keep x and y bound within the display area
/* obsolete
assign x = (h_count < H_RES) ? h_count : (H_RES - 1'b1); // x = H_RES-1 if current pixel is after display area
assign y = (v_count < V_RES) ? v_count : (V_RES - 1'b1); // y = VS_END-1 if v_count is outside display area
// generate a 25 MHz pixel strobe
//reg [15:0] cnt;
//reg pix_en;
always @(posedge clk)
pc_ena <= pc_ena + 1'b1; // This is tempoary
// handle signal generation
always @(posedge clk) // I removed ', posedge reset)', since it adds a gate to the CLK input of all the registers in your design slowing down that trigger edge
if (reset) // reset to start of frame
h_count <= 1'b0;
v_count <= 1'b0;
hsync <= 1'b0;
vsync <= 1'b0;
vde <= 1'b0;
hde <= 1'b0;
if (pc_ena) // once per pixel
if (h_count == H_RES - 1)
HDE <= 1'b0;
// check for generation of HSYNC pulse
if (h_count == HS_STA)
hsync <= 1'b1; // turn on HSYNC pulse
else if (h_count == HS_END)
hsync <= 1'b0; // turn off HSYNC pulse
// check for generation of VSYNC pulse
if (v_count == VS_STA)
vsync <= 1'b1; // turn on VSYNC pulse
else if (v_count == VS_END)
vsync <= 1'b0; // turn off VSYNC pulse
// reset h_count & increment v_count at end of scanline
if (h_count == LINE - 1) // end of line
h_count <= 1'b0;
HDE <= 1'b1; // Turn on horizontal video data enable
if (v_count == SCANLINES - 1) // ****** Now that it's time to increment the H count, this is when you would check if the V-count should be cleared. End of SCANLINES
v_count <= 1'b0;
VDE <= 1'b1; // Turn on vertical video data enable
begin // ****** If the v_count isn't being cleared, you go ahead and add 1 to the v_count
v_count <= v_count + 1'b1; // increment v_count to next scanline
if (v_count == V_RES - 1) VDE <= 1'b0 ; // Turn off vertical video data enable
h_count <= h_count + 1'b1; // otherwise, just increment horizontal counter
if (h_count == H_RES - 1) HDE <= 1'b0 ; // Turn off vertical video data enable
/* ****** BUG ***** Moved into the correct place at the the end of a horizontal line, where you increment the v_count increment, or clear it. see 16 lines above
// reset v_count and blanking at bottom of screen
if (v_count == SCANLINES - 1) // end of SCANLINES
v_count <= 1'b0;
*/ ***** End of bug ******
/******* Error ****** this must synchronous with you video clock, however, I recognize this was probably just a last minute patch.
always @(posedge clk)
DE <= (h_count < H_RES) && (v_count < V_RES);
Now, here is a new module to add to your project. It mutes the RGB data values when the raster is outside the active display area. (Once again, I just typed it in notepad.) It belongs just before your output pins. Again, read comments inside it.
// This module will force mute mute the RGB video output data outside the active video display area
// This module will also generate the vid_de_out use by many DVI transmiters
// This module, as an example, also has all the inputs and outputs used along the pixel pipe
// it illustrates since there is a pixel delay in the video switch, the syncs and video enables are also delayed
// making the output picture window perfectly parallel with the vidoe coming in, then being fed out.
module vid_out_stencil(
input wire pclk,
input wire reset,
input wire pc_ena, // Pixel clock enable
input wire hde_in, // Horizontal Display Enable - high when in display area (valid drawing area)
input wire vde_in, // Vertical Display Enable - high when in display area (valid drawing area)
input wire hs_in, // horizontal sync
input wire vs_in, // vertical sync
input wire [RGB_hbit:0] r_in,
input wire [RGB_hbit:0] g_in,
input wire [RGB_hbit:0] b_in,
output reg hde_out,
output reg vde_out,
output reg hs_out,
output reg vs_out,
output reg [RGB_hbit:0] r_out,
output reg [RGB_hbit:0] g_out,
output reg [RGB_hbit:0] b_out,
output reg vid_de_out // Actual H&V data enable required by some DVI encoders/serializers
parameter RGB_hbit = 1; // 1 will make the RGB ports go from 1 to 0, eg [1:0]. I know others prefer a '2' here for 2 bits
parameter HS_invert = 0; // use a 1 to invert the HS output, the invert feature is only for this video output module
parameter VS_invert = 0; // use a 1 to invert the VS output, the invert feature is only for this video output module
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) // global reset
// not in use for this module
if (pc_ena) // once per pixel
hde_out <= hde_in; // since the this video muting switch algorythm delays the output by 1 pixel clock,
vde_out <= vde_in; // all the video timing reference signals will also get the 1 pixel delay treatment to keep the output aligned perfectly.
hs_out <= hs_in ^ HS_invert ; // the invert feature is only for this video output module
vs_out <= vs_in ^ VS_invert ; // the invert feature is only for this video output module
if ( hde_in && vde_in )
de_out <= 1'b1 ; // turn on video enable for DVI transmitters
r_out <= r_in ; // copy video input to output
g_out <= g_in ; // copy video input to output
b_out <= b_in ; // copy video input to output
de_out <= 1'b0 ; // turn off video enable for DVI transmitters
r_out <= 0 ; // Mute video output to black
g_out <= 0 ; // Mute video output to black
b_out <= 0 ; // Mute video output to black
Now, the next thing you need to do is use the IOs from this example, and make a new picture pattern generator which does not use the sync generators H&V counters, but, generates it's own internally using this example IO port setup:
module vid_pattern_generator(
input wire pclk,
input wire reset,
input wire pc_ena, // Pixel clock enable
input wire hde_in, // Horizontal Display Enable - high when in display area (valid drawing area)
input wire vde_in, // Vertical Display Enable - high when in display area (valid drawing area)
input wire hs_in, // horizontal sync
input wire vs_in, // vertical sync
output reg hde_out,
output reg vde_out,
output reg hs_out,
output reg vs_out,
output reg [RGB_hbit:0] r_out,
output reg [RGB_hbit:0] g_out,
output reg [RGB_hbit:0] b_out
parameter RGB_hbit = 1; // 1 will make the RGB ports go from 1 to 0, eg [1:0]. I know others prefer a '2' here for 2 bits
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset) // global reset
if (pc_ena) // once per pixel
// *************** insert generator code here
// *************** also remember to pass through the hde,vde,hs_out,vs_out
// *************** in the future, numerous delay sizes may be needed if you are performing functions which take multiple clocks before a true pixel becomes valid
end // always @clk
Let me know when you are done, because, after I've gone over your new pattern generator, your next step is to place either your first text, or, graphics.
Additional: Please place you quartus screenshots on this forum, I'm having trouble with your picture server & since this thread may last long on the forum, it is a good idea to have the photos here. (If you want a compact picture file size, lossless, use the .png file format...)
***** DON'T forget to update the graphic symbol for the changes I made to you sync generator. The order of the IO pins have been changes and I changed the available parameters on the block diagram symbol.