A little backstory first. I'm new to FPGAs, having started with a cyclone IV E dev board designed by WXEDA. I have since wanted to create my own PCB with the same Cyclone IV FPGA. To achieve this I drew inspiration from the WXEDA board to allow me to place the necessary connections and support components (oscillator, flash, etc), along with a lot of help from Altera design documentation.
In my design (first attached PDF) used the same EP4CE10E22C8N as in the WXEDA schematic (second attached PDF), despite the actual WXEDA PCB carrying a EP4CE6E22C8N - the connections as far as I can make out are identical.
I soldered everything in my PCB together, powered it on and heard a high pitched buzzing from the 5V regulator. After much troubleshooting, I couldn't figure why this was happening so I replace it with a direct 5V from my HP E3631A bench supply. Problem solved - no more buzzing. I measured the output of the 3 linear regs - all very close to their rated voltages (within 2 or 3 mv).
I next plugged in my USB Blaster to my jtag (con 11 on page 6). Booted up Quartus Prime with a simple toggle module and opened the programmer. It detected the USB Blaster fine, but it says that it is Unable to Scan Device Chain.
This is where I am currently stuck. I am 99% sure that all the pins are correctly soldered. I've inspected them visually and with a multimeter continuity check (when powered off). Everything checks out between my PCB, my schematic, the WXEDA schematic and the Altera device pinout. Nothing seems to be shorted.
I can only think that there is something I have missed in my design which is causing a problem. I have tried to keep the jtag lines as short as possible (less than 4cm from pad to pad). I can share my PCB layout too (or photos or waveforms from oscilloscope), if anyone feels it would be useful to see.
Is there something I have missed in the design or my process for connecting the device for programming? Any help would be really appreciated as I have been really excited to getting this project together, but I'm out of ideas.