Hi Folks,
I've retired after a long career in IT. After many decades away from electronics I have been enjoying getting my hands dirty again with Raspberry Pis, Arduinos and ESP32 SOCs. More recently my thoughts have turned nostalgic as I remember being very privileged at age 13 in 1969 or so to learn programming on one of the first PDP-8s in the country (Physiology Department at University of Melbourne). That machine was a DTL "straight" 8 but I've been looking at lots of interesting reimplementations/homages in 74LS chips or FPGAs. Its a delight to be able to think about something like the PDP-8 down at the gate level - modern systems are so much more complex that much higher levels of abstraction are required which, to me anyway, looses some of the charm. I'm not especially interested in a software emulation though I fully understand what excellent work people have done producing these.
I've signed up to audit the Coursera Introduction to FPGA Design for Embedded Systems course the next four weeks which optionally uses an Altera BeMicroMax10 and a Terasic DE10-lite evaluation board. Needless to say with the international chip shortage these are essentially unobtainable at the moment (certainly at a price I can afford) as are many other simple, cheap low-end FPGA boards that I might normally press into service to get me started.
I thought I'd post on this forum to see if anyone out there has a surplus evaluation or breakout board with programming cables (that its still possible to source a toolchain for) that they have grown out of and that they expect never to use again that they would be willing to part with this next week or so for a modest amount of money?
Don't care too much what platform, though the course is focused on Max 10 and my preliminary reading around creating a PDP-8 suggests that a larger Lattice based system might be the go.
I'm located in Adelaide Australia and would love to be able to sort something out in the next few days.