is there anything similar but for PCI/miniPCI instead of miniPCIe ?
(commercial kits are also the welcome)
@legacy: have a look at make standard bus cards in pc-104, PCI and PCIe, with smaller spartan 6's. Haven't bought from them as I am restricting myself to Altera/Quartus toolchain at the moment, and I want to finish an Altera design first. They have about the cheapest that I have found. They target CNC and industrial controls and linuxCNC can recognize some of them. Note that for PCIe bus interface they don't appear to use a PCIe hardblock spartan LXT whatever, and instead use one of those PCI to PCIe bridge chips from PLX.
@polysome or whoever can confirm: Is the spartan XC6SLX100T still covered by Xilinx free tools?