I don't mind subscribing to a service, I recognize that there is an ongoing cost in providing and maintaining that service. Subscription software is a non-starter for me though, I absolutely will not even consider it. They always present it as an advantage for the consumer and compare the cost to always buying the latest version whenever a new one comes out, but in reality nobody ever does that. Subscription is a way of continuing to extract money from the consumer without having to come up with anything to compel them to upgrade to the latest version. Once software becomes a mature product frequent upgrades are no longer necessary. I really wish Apple would implement a process for paid upgrades because I would go for that, upgrade to the latest version of an app when the existing version no longer works, but I refuse to keep paying out just to maintain the existing level of functionality. I have a major aversion to recurring payments, they're like 'vampire' electrical loads, individually a few watts or dollars doesn't sound like much but when you have 10 or so of those things pretty soon it adds up to something significant.