Author Topic: Do You Use Design Spark Mechanical? Are you inventive enough to beat the best?  (Read 2284 times)

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Offline DesignSparkMechanicalTopic starter

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We know that engineers are superheroes at heart, just wanting to make the world a better place through invention. If this rings a bell, RS Components want you to enter their Design Challenge using their new 3D CAD Software Design Spark Mechanical (free, easy to download & fast iteration between other programmes). 
The aim of the challenge is to urge all engineers to road test DesignSpark Mechanical and take bring those life changing 2D sketches into printable prototypes The most popular design, as voted for by the DesignSpark engineering community, will be transformed into a physical prototype using a 3D printer, and presented to the winning engineer along with the top prize of £5,000. Two runners-up will each receive a prize of £2,500.
To take part in the challenge, participants need to simply download the free DesignSpark Mechanical software, create a 3D representation of their design, and submit the final idea by uploading it to DesignShare, the collaborative project space on, where each idea will be posted and votes will be cast. All entries must be received by 17:00 GMT on November 22, 2013. To enter simply click here

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