A few days ago I had some time to improve the astable design (couldn't post earlier due to sickness), and fixed the transistor pinouts using the part builder and added the labels on the PCB silkscreen.
One thing I still could not fully understand is how the transistor pinout is actually set in the part builder. In my project I did the following: removed the existing footprint; opened the part builder; used the TO-92 template. However, the only option about pin assignment was shown at the tab Symbol --> Organize Terminals. I used the option "By Pin Number" and the pins were corrected as E(1), B(2) and C(3), but I am still not sure how I would organize the terminals if I needed a different arrangement (ECB or BCE, for example). question for Iliya: how to properly assign the terminals to their physical position on the footprint?
On the Footprint tab of the Part builder, the Prefix is shown at the top of the panel in an text edit box. However, I was going crazy as anything input to did not stick, until I found the section Reference at the bottom of this tab. question for Iliya: do you see this as well? If so, perhaps prevent the top Prefix text box to be editable, or allow editing it but making sure the change "sticks"?
Another intriguing detail is that, by rearranging the footprint terminals, the schematics were re-wired (the third picture attached). question for Iliya: do you agree this may be a bug? Schematics shouldn't be affected at all by footprints.
I then watched the video. It was very good to have a grasp on how the creator works with the tool, but a few questions remained on my end:
- what is the key combination to move around on the PCB/Schematics using the mouse? I was only able to do this using the keyboard arrows (perhaps I missed that on the video)
- When creating the LM3914 you assigned all the pins but you did not modify their electrical properties such as output, input, passive, power, etc. Is this done by the Properties Panel?
- When you were manually routing the a net/track, all the others fully disappear. Would it be possible to leave them somewhat greyed out so the manual routing would be easier? This is just an enhancement.
All in all, I now have a better understanding on how the tool is constructed and the thought process behind it.