The ozone layer has almost completely "healed" and continues to improve despite what any study decides to say.
It isn't even entirely clear whether or not CFCs were the culprit. Year-to-year fluctuations in area and depth are caused by variations in stratospheric temperature and circulation.
NASA -> " the word hole isn’t literal; no place is empty of ozone. Scientists use the word hole as a metaphor for the area in which ozone concentrations drop below the historical threshold of 220 Dobson Units."
So basically A topic about dodgy technology is full of dodgy people and dodgy science.
Lookie here, we have a science denial fundamentalist.
Maybe this is a success story, that despite people like you, all the banning of Freon and other accelerants were successful of preventing a an event that would cause mass extinction. Despite.
I think we all know this, but at times we let urgency push out other valuable considerations too far back in our minds.
All scientific conclusions should be questioned now and again. Even Newton's Laws of Motion received modifications (relativity/quantum mechanics) as time go by. Ozone, Climate, Small Pox, Cholera... Only by questioning the "back-then fact" that "TB is an incurable disease" can we find cure for TB or any other "known to be fatal" illnesses.
As we know more, have better equipment, have better techniques, we may learn that what we thought to be true was really an illusion or is merely simplification/approximation. Worst yet, scientific "norms" are affected by cultures and politics of the time. One not believing in flat earth would have made one a heretic at one time. There is no reason to believe that we are totally free from cultural or political influences with our "scientific findings" today -- particularly
and when much of science today rely on grants offer by current cultural, educational, governmental, and political organizations.
So yes, question science! Denial its results unless it can be proven, again and again as practice and theory improve. Stop questioning yesterday's results may mean you are repeating yesterday's mistakes.
EDIT: Corrected two typos
"and" should be "when",
and added an "s" to "scientific findings" just before the "and/when"