It's funny how you all claim to be scientific and objective and then don't even try the experiments out yourselves or do any sort of investigation. The effects shown at the 30 minute mark of the video I referenced is very similar to the effects shown in this video as well: the 22 minute mark.
That's two separate and independent experimenters showing similar effects but let's just dismiss that right? We already know everything about electronics and electricity right guys? Talk about being humble
So two different experimenters with similar effects shown in both....let me guess must have been some excellent CGI effects?
Why not just say you are lazy and a bunch of know it alls? Wouldn't that be easier than calling bullshit on an experiment you have never done?
No one is claiming free energy here, it's just an anomalous effect shown (same effect) in each video. I thought the scientifically minded would be interested in replicating this? Whats with the prejudice guys?