Second photo with a load it will go up to 10A, as per setting. However shows only 5A no load but delivered 10A. As per setting.
Is this normal?
Yes, that's normal, of better to say works as expected
. Please note that new set value (5.001 A) is displayed in different color. That's indication that firmware is doing output balancing because
no load is connected. It's a trick needed because channels even nicely calibrated do not have exact output voltage: a few mV is enough that one channel start to sinking current/power due to that difference. And channel indeed can do that up to ~300 mA since it has downprogrammer circuit. Q7 has very limited heatsink and its dissipation is limited by firmware to 1 W. If dissipation became more then 1 W for 5 or more seconds, firmware will start to limit a current and you can see that on the display. It's a bit confusing, and maybe we would do it in other way, but so far it's tested and works just fine.
Similarly, when outputs are coupled in series, you can see that set voltage is reducing but this time
with load connected.