Forgive me if this horse has been beat to death around here, but does anyone actually use a PCB holder often? I rarely find myself wanting anything to hold down the board. Granted, most of my projects are repairs, and therefor the boards tend to be heavier because they are already populated, but even the small assembly projects I do get the old mousepad treatment. Every time I use a board holder or vise, I spend more time fiddling with it than I would just setting the board down on a soft mousepad and dealing with any difficulties.
My lack of desk/bench space probably contributes, and this solution seems to address that problem. These little poles look like they could be stashed anywhere. But $60? That's a bit steep just for some pieces of aluminum bar stock that were put in a lathe. Also, I would not have made the clamp spring loaded, I feel like that would either be too strong in a lot of situations, and risk damaging a board, or it would not be strong enough. If that collar was threaded instead of spring loaded, and there was a rubber washer (or two) on the top of it, I would be much more interested. This would allow you to tune the clamping force for more delicate applications, and the rubber washer would reduce the clamping force necessary to get the job done.