Your suggestion will cause the wiggling of decimal point from left to right which will create a lot of confusion
I am looking at the example video (or gif) and the decimal point is moving, presumably because the digits are centred. For something like this the digits should be static. Suppose the current changes between 10.1 and 9.9 - the digits are shuffling back and forth and it's very distracting.
Since you have a single digit after the point (soon to be two, maybe) I think right justifying would ensure the decimal point is fixed in place and everyone would be happy. After all, the bigger the number the further left it will stretch, which is meaningful without reading when the number is.
Yeah that's what I was referring to... keep the digits fixed like on multimeters, maybe even give them a small angle in the case of big digits.
For the Iavg and mAh, use fixed width digits, and I'd suggest fixing the Iavg and mAh to left and/or right corners, the measurement unit fixed to the other side, and the digits right justified and fixed width
See picture below...Iavg moves around, the string expands and shrinks according to width of digits, 1 uses less space than 0 and so on....
there's lots of nice bitmap / monospaced fonts available for free on sites like
for example or or or or ... lots of them.
Some more comments about screen... I would be pissed that you're wasting so much screen real estate with that MicroAmp-Meter text ... have a logo at boot or something, then make that go away and have the big digits up, then a second row with the average and mAh.
You could put the text on the title bar where the Danalogx is if you insist on that.
Seems like there's enough for 8 digits and dots between them. Would probably be better to keep it symmetrical and maybe that could be better because it makes it possible to do option to show only current or only voltage, and you'd have more decimals for current them (ex keep showing value in uA when you're reading a 1..10 mA range)
If that red bar at the bottom only says logging disabled, it would also annoy me. That could time out after 10-20 seconds and fade out or something and a red icon could be put on the title at the top, maybe even blinking, indicating logging is disabled.
As the bottom bar fades or slides down, you could switch to bigger digits for the second row, or shift it down a bit to be vertically centered... or whatever.
For the big digits, if you have a rgb screen, you could probably add an option like making the digits green when it's uA and yellow or cyan or some other color blind friendly color on mA ... voltage could be red. This way user knows the unit without having to move eyes to the bottom row under the digit. Speaking off ... more wasted space giving uA / mA and V a whole lot of vertical space.
With the big space used by the micrometer text and the red bar fading out, maybe you could implement some horizontal graphing at the bottom let's say 32-64 pixel tall strip with horizontal scroll showing the variations in current, this way user would see current bursts or whatever .. could be one horizontal pixel for every 10-20 measurements averaged or something like that.