@rsjsouza: Thanks! I have been working to achieve these performance specifications for two years, so it's not easy!
Yes, the banana plugs and individual wires do pick up more noise than BNC + coax, for example. In the process of developing Joulescope, I started with banana, then went to BNC, then realized I couldn't win. BNC + coax is limited to about 2 A, and even then introduces a significant voltage drop. The BNC connectors also have a much higher resistance than banana plugs. The good news is that many applications don't care as much about bandwidth at very low currents, so the additional noise picked up by banana plugs + wires doesn't matter too much (still keep cables short).
For situations where noise pickup does matter, you can swap out the front panel! The front panel hardware design is open source and available on
GitHub. I already have a BNC front panel and USB 2 front panel. I will be offering these as part of the Kickstarter somehow (hopefully a good stretch goal), and I will work with the backers to see what they want!
The Joulescope User Interface is already easy to use and functional. I will be adding more capabilities to improve the value. I have received great feedback from the Joulescope beta users and Kickstarter community. I maintain a list of
future features. Joulescope backers will help guide development, so
join the community!