a) The few times I ate something air-fried it was edible, but not even close to deep-fried.
If you use the right products (air fryer ready) they have a little bit more oil on the exterior which during the frying does it work and excessive will drop to the lower basket.
So in the end the difference is not that great but yes there is a difference but it is healthier (less fat), depending on the product.
b) I cannot see the difference between a good hot-air oven and and an airfryer.
The difference is that there are two compartments one half way where the product is fried and below a colder zone for the excessive fat to drop.
So unless your oven or baketray has such an extra compartment the product will either drown in the excessive fat / moist that leaves the original product.
c) It is yet another device in my kitchen that will be used .5% of the time and takes up space the other 99.5%. Bread maker, anyone
Yes understand that, with me it was the automated pasta machine, it can only use water and flour, if you use an extra egg or little olive oil it will be so messy you need to clean it for half an hour and then I can do better with my robocoop or hands.
d) If I want junk food I want it all the way. Salt, sugar, real grease. Not some look- a-like 'healthy' version.
We use it for way more that junk food, it is quicker than an oven, more energy saving. It takes 1 minute to heat up, my electric oven takes 10 minutes, my big gasoven takes 25 minutes.
e) A deep-fryer is much more work. Setting it up, getting the oil or fat, the smell when using it, cleaning it afterwards, this neatly controls my cravings for deep-fried food. My fear is that the versatility of an airfryer will make me eat more unhealthy snacks than I do now.
Yes definitely it does. I now eat "De Bourgondieer bitterballen"
* once per week for lunch or the galapeno cheesenuggets.
Never did that before, don't want to live without anymore
A, well, maybe the next time I will succumb.
If you find something like the bitterballen that is the bomb for your personal taste you probably will.
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitterballen**