Question: is it normal for function generators that the secondary circuit's (output) ground is always connected with primary (net) ground? At least that's the case with the FY6800, so in practice I often have to take care of polarity with the FY6800 when doing some quick circuit hacks. For me that's a bit inconvenient. For my uses it would be handy to rather have the output voltage completely separated.
I am not an owner of a large array of generators, nor a true expert.
But while researching how to get rid of the floating voltage of the FY6600, I did read on a FAQ from I think Siglent that they normally have the two connected by a high value resistor to avoid this. As I was considering the same, I saw confirmation of my plans in that.
And from that I would also infer that no, apparently Siglent (was it Siglent, nor sure anymore) does not think it normal or wise to connect the two.
So if the FY6800 indeed has a zero ohm connection between earth (and thus neutral) and signal ground, then FeelTech was not paying as much attention to this forum as we hoped they were.
Unlike Scopes of course, where the two are always connected, see the "how to (not) blow up your scope" video from Dave.
Edit: can't find the exact FAQ anymore, but this one is nearly as good: