Now I have my own low down sports car back and it's winter....
People with really wonky aligned headlights. Spent 10 minutes in a 30mph zone tonight with a BMW X6 behind me and his lights were lighting up my entire cabin. Couldn't look in any mirrors without being blinded. Thankfully I left him behind when I got to the 60mph zone.
There is an "I'm alright jack" attitude which I have heard for people. Saying things like "Point them down for the annual test, the point them back up again when you drive out."
At times I am completely blind, rabbit in the headlights. I sit 45cm off the road. My head is level with most SUV bonnets. I can't even see over them at junctions and it often requires the car behind help with a little beep.
Back in the early 1970s, the road rules in the UK had recently changed from "You can drive on parking lights only in built-up areas" to requiring dipped beams everywhere.
In true Brit fashion, it took quite a while for this to sink in, & many kept to the old ways.
The combination of Sodium streetlights, a dark coloured car on parkers only, & a pedestrian from another country was a perilous one.
The upshot of seldom using the headlights led to them being badly adjusted or completely unadjusted.
As an Australian, I was used to most headlights being relatively well adjusted (the problem in Oz is that many just
won't dip!) & would cringe at the sight of cars in more rural areas with their "low" beams illuminating the treetops----fairly obviously drivers who rarely left lighted areas.