I designed more than a year ago this little sinus/square wave generator for a special test setup.
It is using a XR2206 and give's desend output signals, not like most of the schematics you wil find on the Internet.
The output is 50 Ohm independend of the output settings.
3 overlapping ranges , 10Hz to 500Hz, 100Hz to 5Khz and 1Khz to 50Khz.
Low cost part and high quality output signals.
The squarewave output is also bufferd, high quality square wave's, see the picture's
Easy to build
Ouput range is from 0,27mV to 34mV and 27mV to 3,4V RMS
Use the components in this schematic, dont ask if you can replace the NE5534a whit a uA741
I used al lot of time to disign this generator the way it is now, simpel easy to build en with good quality output signals.
This is the best you can get out of a XR2206 for a generator from 10Hz tot 50Khz.
It is part of een testsetup for testen loopgain of power supply's and i needed a battery-powered generator. (commonmode problems)
Test setup
10Khz Sinus
10Khz Square
50Khz Sinus Max Output.
50Khz Square Max Output.
50Khz Sinus Max Output.
3,3Khz Square wave, 40dB attunator on, no overshoot!!
1Khz Sinus wave, "0" dB ouput, almost perfect sinus, about 0,5% distortion, if you look careful you can just see a smal abbaration on the top
of the sinus wave...
It was not "simpel" to remove this abaration without affecting the frequentie respons to much.
I read the frequentie of the generator on one of my counters, on top is the generator and the bottom box is a dual 40dB wide band,
low noise measuring amplifier to test the stability of power supply's.
Build on a proto typing board.
Build in a CISCO PIX Firewall box, battery powered.
Have fun with it!
Kind regarts,