After building my own power supply, the classic first thing most people will do, I wanted to build a simple function generator. Well, ended up never getting to it, but I come back to it from time to time... my problem though is that all of these "easy" CI's are discontinued (MAX038, XR2206, ICL8038, etc.) and I find it difficult to judge the "crappy" designs I find when searching in google for something worth the effort. I mean, I could just build he opamp circuit, or some variations using a 555 for generating a square wave and them integrating / shaping the wave as a sine wave... but well, is that worth the effort? Then I recently found a design bases in DDS which seemed nice, but beyond my competence I am afraid...
What you guys think, should I try to get one of these from tayda, or would you have a nice design to share?