With all this freaking out on masks and shopping trolley handle dangers
has anyone discussed Corona embedded flatulence yet?
you know the thing > f**ts (hint: not 'facts')
Seriously, YES seriously! when people release internal cesspool corkers they can no longer restrain without pain, in a public place,
it's got better distance and knockdown potential than anything escaping the sides of 'ER Ward wannabee' $2 Shop masks
Come on, think about it, so much for the 'experts' and their 'statistics' overlooking this potential corona-geddon kickstarter
it appears they're earning their paychecks either doing a halfassed job of it or full of shyte and not qualified at all
Sweat and BO/body odors carry well too as they woft over, no one is touching on that topic either
fwiw I looked up 'april showers'
www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=April%20Showerand will stick with warm H20 and soap during April and beyond, thank you,