MS just released an "update" for Windows 7 which will serve as a reminder starting jan. 2020 to annoy the hell out of people who will still be using 7. This update is optional for now, but I wouldn't count on that forever.
I wonder how MS can get away with all this telemetry data. This is a huge security (and obviously privacy, but many people seem not to care in the least anymore, so talking about privacy is like pissing against the wind these days) concern. It's getting even worse than plain viruses. Keyboard, camera, microphone, data... hello? At least with viruses, you have an opportunity to get rid of them. If you're half-computer savvy, you'll certainly prefer taking the risk of getting a virus than having this shit running at all times behind your back.
If MS don't get their act together, Windows will be past history here.
@madires: unfortunately, they are only partly violating the GPDR, or maybe even not at all. Two key points IMO: first, if MS claims they are only storing and using this data after anonymizing it, they can claim it's not personal data anymore. What guarantee we have about this anonymization, I bet very few even know for sure, but I'm not counting on a squad of EU experts going to MS headquarters to audit them
, so this is probably all based on declarative statements if MS is ever asked about it, at least for now. Second, even if personal data is not anonymized, all the GPDR really implies as far as I've gotten it is that the company has to tell people about it and give them access to the data the company holds about them. It doesn't prevent the companies from collecting data. So all you can do is opt out.