I went to the woods and while harvesting mushrooms thought occurred: Antennas are impedance matched to "free space". This is what gets stuff out. Now for magnet to "slow down" it must also impedance match to something. Simple with loaded coil but what about original case of floating in "free space". Perhaps magnet should be subjected to some additional accelerations besides steady spinning to match with "free space"...
Well, what does impedance mean?
It's a ratio of voltage to current.
It's also a ratio of electric to magnetic fields (E in V/m divided by H in A/m is still ohms). Hmm, that sounds useful!
We get magnetization directly off the magnet itself, so, wham, halfway there.
Where do we get volts? Aha, from spinning it, Faraday's law!
So as you spin up the magnet, the impedance in its near field increases (from zero, when stationary -- no E, all H). As it gets closer to electrical resonance, E/H approaches Zo, and radiation hits a maxima.