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Offline rohan-04Topic starter

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Help me study electronics!
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:24:07 pm »
Well firstly hello to all of you, this is my first post on the eevblog and quite frankly my first interaction with the eevblog community, I've been a silent member since 2010 i think it was when i saw my first dave jones vid an have been hooked eversince. Anyway onto my question.
So basically like most of you my childhood interest in electronics has grown into a full flegged obsession and I want to learn more in the manner of formal engeneering of electronics. So if you have the time can you suggest, a few books I could/should read?

** The real problem is that I dont have the acedmic certification( the knowledge,understanding,intelligence and desire I have) for a bachlors in EE, and in India there is no way around that. I pick-up second hand book called "The Fundermentals of Electrical Engineering by Leonard S. Bobrow" which is really Electronics 101 and covers circuts,electonics,digital systems and electromechanics. So where do I go from here? I'm lost and really confused all I know is I need to study more.

Thank you again.
Rohan Thacker

Offline PeterG

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2013, 09:31:32 pm »
From hear I would ask questions, lots of questions.

Testing one two three...

Offline 2nOrderEDO

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #2 on: April 28, 2013, 09:34:07 pm »
Maybe MITx 6.002x Is a good starting point. go to

Warning: You will need good math skills.

Offline jpb

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #3 on: April 28, 2013, 09:47:43 pm »
It is not clear whether you wish to study the subject as you would a degree course, i.e. such things as Fourier and Laplace Transforms, Noise, Transmission Lines, Semiconductor Physics, Circuit Theory including nodal analysis, Electromagnetism (Maxwell's equations), information theory (Shanon), digital electronics including state machines, Karnagh Maps, combinatorial logic, sequential logic, computer architecture - the list is almost endless -  or whether you want to know more about practical electronics which is what this forum is more about.

For practical electronics the classic work is "The Art Of Electronics". This is very old now and there is rumor of a third edition coming out perhaps this year. The second edition is still worth reading as long as you realise that some of it is very dated.

A more up-to-date one but at a lower level is "Practical Electronics for Inventors".

For the university stuff I would look on university web sites and see what books they recommend for their students. But you can spend a lot of money on books (I have). I'd look at the practical books first, read around on Wikipedia and the web generally.

A classic work at the university level, old but worth reading, is "Information Transmission, Modulation and Noise" by Schwatz but you'll need quite a bit of background to read it.

You've asked a very general question hence my rather general answer. "of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh." :)

Offline rohan-04Topic starter

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #4 on: April 28, 2013, 10:04:59 pm »
Ah yes I intend to ask you guys alot of questions, thats ok right?
I've given MITx a shot, 6001 the things is youtube studying is not for me far too many distractions. I do however refer the course notes etc, that stuff is priceless.
@jpq - Quite a comprihensicve answer, thank you for that. Basically both, practical electronics for the hobby and fun aspect and the degree course stuff as a route to build strong basics.

Offline ddavidebor

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Help me study electronics!
« Reply #5 on: April 29, 2013, 05:11:51 am »
I suggest you a book for high school... Should be a good starting point.
David - Professional Engineer - Medical Devices and Tablet Computers at Smartbox AT
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Offline 4to20Milliamps

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #6 on: April 29, 2013, 09:29:52 am »

Offline TerminalJack505

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #7 on: April 29, 2013, 10:05:40 am »
There's a great resource right in your own country.  IIT has a ton of video lectures and web-based courses online.

These should be a great resource when you reach a certain comfort level.

Offline jpb

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #8 on: April 29, 2013, 10:29:12 am »
how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time.
You probably should make sure it is dead first! :)

Offline Joules

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #9 on: April 29, 2013, 10:43:21 am »
how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time.
You probably should make sure it is dead first! :)

Love it, basic first principles when dealing with electricity.

Offline rohan-04Topic starter

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #10 on: April 29, 2013, 12:00:03 pm »
you're in have a computer and an enormous amount of resources.

Start with the basics, understand the physics involved and make sure you know the terminology, the math will get easier as you become more familiar with what you are studying.

Don't expect to learn it overnight> how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time.'s+law&hl=en&sa=X&ei=izp-UejUNIm5qQHozoD4AQ&ved=0CC8Q6AEwADgK#v=onepage&q=ohm's%20law&f=false's+law&aq=f&oq=ohm's+law&aqs=chrome.0.57j5j0l2j62.2652j0&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#hl=en&tbs=bkv:r&tbm=bks&sclient=psy-ab&q=electrical+physics&oq=electrical+physics&gs_l=serp.3...3910.8510.0.8956.,or.r_qf.&fp=ca2935b5cce5a40e&biw=1920&bih=947

Great books, This gives me a good clear starting point.
I've got the basics of Physics and Chemistry from school. I couldnt write my final exams because of something is still a mystery to me. Anyway so basically what I've gather from all your replies is that I need to get the pre-requsits handled and take it slow. So thats what I'll do. I'm not totally new to electronics, Its just very unorganised in my head. Anyway thanks for all the help from everyone, it was really awesome and super fast. Great community you guys got here  :)

Offline smashedProton

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Re: Help me study electronics!
« Reply #11 on: April 30, 2013, 03:20:25 pm »

Invention, my dear friends, is 93% perspiration, 6% electricity, 4% evaporation, and 2% butterscotch ripple.

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