Subject: Cheapest computer to program an arduino that has a monitor and keyboard and ports to connect to arduino
Once I wanted to put together an arduino development system (breadboards, power supplies, scopes, meters, etc) on the cheap until I ran into the costs of the PC needed to program it, which stopped me.
Now by reading this post:] [url]$-computer/ [/url]
And learning there is no $9 computer, it got me thinking of actually how cheap could a computer be to suit my needs as a Arduino programming platform. Here are my specs:
- I want an external keyboard (USB)
- A monitor for text (as far as I know graphics is not needed). A computer monitor is expensive and heavy so I want to find another solution. I am thinking about the Noikia 5110 LCD that it can do a lot and is small and cheap. Any other ideas on a monitor that can be used for basic text for programming ? A smaller LCD such as a 4 line one is too small.
A tablet might be useable if I could figure out how to use it. All my searches show an android tablet being used with the tablet keyboard. I want an external keyboard and have not see one in my searches (and control the arduino at the same time). I wonder if a bluetooth keyboard could be used?
- I think a SD card to load and run the software is the way to go, and I will use a laptop to load the SD card from the net. There will be an instructor who can program any SD cards or memory and students who will only program the arduino using the cheap computer.
- No music playing, no video game playing, no wi-fi, no ethernet, no bluetooth, no internet. I do not know if I need HDMI
Some names from the $9 post:
(Allwinner boards) CubieBoard, PCduino, BananaPi and Beagle boards and Raspberries
From this site: these additional names:
- Intel NUC (seems too expensive)
- Intel Galileo Gen 2
My guts tells me to go with the pi, but KISS is important
So I would like to get some comments on these to suit my needs
thanks in advance