No pictures from here since the shop is pretty much integrated into the flat and hidden behind doors, cabinets, cupboards etc., except for my workstation, SBC, SDR, microscope, cameras, ultrasonic bath, reflux still and Todo dump. Tool sections include:
- computer peripherals
- audio
- electronics
- optics & environmental measurements
- mechanics
- welding
- transport/lifting
- pneumatics & vacuum
- chemistry
- gardening
Consumables, components and materials are cached in a three tier system: Todo heap <> kitchen cupboard <> cellar
This has been working very well so far:
- You can open a workspace anywhere you like and thus elude certain peculiarities of the kin.
- Madam is devoid of projection area due to dispersion of equipment.
- Maximum space efficiency incites configuration completion.
Although I highly recommend imitating this strategy, here are my caveats as well:
- Absolute necessity to be cleanly, tidy and neatly organized!
- Confusing or forgetting components is giving instant PITA...
- Even minimal setup times act as an initial burden that has to be overcome.
Anybody else following the same policies?