Was in the garage this weekend, looking to fix a UPS, and on the shelf there was this mess, from a can of Positiv20 that is probably 30 years old, when I first started to etch boards, using a mercury vapour lamp without the outer glass (yes, had drawbacks, but as a point UV source excellent, plus the ozone, and it made a dandy Eprom eraser as well), which had decided to rust through at the liquid level, and literally came apart into 2 pieces. Also was contemplating hitting it with some "Gentle Persuasion", but decided against it, reserving that for the 2 scanners that decided that flaming tantalum was a good thing.
Going to be bye to 2 HP scanners, but the old Canon will stay, despite being beige, and as the last drivers for it are for ME and XP, it works well with Linux as well, unlike the newer ones which are supported up to, but not including Win10, so are very cheap to get used.
UPS debating, do I try a battery in it, or just turn it to scrap, as I have a few around doing no use, and I have run out of batteries.