This is my workbench at work. The company owns the PC, two power supplies at right, Weller soldering station, Rigol scope and all the handheld multimeters. The rest is mine, half of that is good and working, rest is waiting for repairs and adjustments or parts as is the case of the Tesla millivoltmeter which is missing the crucial part - active probe. Only two instruments are calibrated right now, one is the new Agilent U1232A and the other is resitance decade (top left) which I won pretty cheaply in local auction. Other noteworthy thing is the lamp modified for LED, it runs neutral colored Bridgelux at about 18 W, much better than the usual CCFL.
We just recently moved the electronics section after 4 years to new, larger building. In the old room we had just basic tables which I didn't like so much so I proposed some changes to the shelves as I was inspired by the then new Dave's lab. It's not exactly as I wanted, the shelves aren't deep enough for my old equipment but they are designed to fit the smaller size Tesla meters as you can see
On the other side of room there are six more of these tables, back to back, these standalone doesn't look that nice from the other side.
See the whole album here: You can click on top right corner of the image and select full resolution.