In this case,I think it was a good call!
These things were definitely not one of Bulgin's triumphs,especially the plugs,with their nasty screw on tops,no cable clamping,
& general air of "at last it's 1922"!
The top would come unscrewed at the slightest provocation,or if that didn't happen,was so brittle that it would shatter,exposing
the "biteys" to the unwary finger.
Most of the ones I dealt with either were broken,or the power cable sheath had slipped back,leaving the inner conductors hanging
out of the top.
I doubt if you will find any "new old stock" ones around,as they would have all been sold to replace the tops which weren't sold separately.
People probably have the "bottoms" hanging around in their junk boxes,minus the tops.
My suggestion is to fit an IEC connector--OK,it will spoil the authenticity of your equipment,but it will be a hell of a lot safer!