Bought this as a stocking filler / drawer filler / 'toy' for myself. It is an Adafruit board but I bought it off of Amazon because, while the price goes up a few bucks vs. their site, the free shipping makes it a good deal for me.
That being said, I think I will use it in a project and of course there is a story with that
A while ago, an issue came up where there was a question about how long it took to get hot water out of a tap (long story and it is not my problem). So, in an evening, I slopped together a DS18B20 on an UNO clone and added an SD and display (see pic). A simple and easy temperature logger that could be used to actually measure how long it took. I attached the sensor to the tap and pressed a button, turned the tap on and waited and then read/graphed the data from the resulting file. Gathering enough samples, I had the data needed to make a point, so to speak. This worked quite well and, like many such projects, it found a home in a box still on a breadboard and with no case and so on.
Been trying to work on that
So, I thought about cleaning it up, adding a few features and putting it in an enclosure. One of the features (and many could be added) was to also log ambient temperature, in contrast to a remote temperature. I actually had a few different kinds of temp sensors but not an MCP9808, I do.
Further, I get annoyed when two or more temperature sensors laid side by side give me different readings - such is the nature of sensors and 'accuracy'. I think I have a good working knowledge of calibration using standards and I have looked into buying a 'laboratory-grade' thermometer - traceable and all that. It got pretty mind-numbing to investigate and, potentially, expensive and given I only use maybe -5 to 120 F as an absolute range, I just never pulled the trigger.
In this case, however, I may calibrate the remote DS18B20 to the MCP9808 as the poor-man's standard (I may take some heat for that, but as long as it is not just trolling, I will read and consider). At the least, I will look at side by side readings for the two over a range that I can easily accommodate.
Not sure how far this will go, but that's the plan and the story and I'm sticking to it