Some paper books:
PDF Explained
Author: John Whitington
Developing with PDF: Dive Into the Portable Document Format
Author: Leonard Rosenthol
How JavaScript Works
Author: Douglas Crockford
DOM Enlightenment
Author: Cody Lindley
In addition to an ongoing download quest for texts/tutorials/standards on AJAX, Converse, Countable, DOM, ECMAScript, Electron-js, Grunt, jQuery, JSLint, JSON, Mathjax, Node-js, NPM, Sizzle, TypeScript, WebKit, etc. Like drinking from a fire hose.
Can anyone recommend their favorite sites/texts on this topic? (Browser-based front-end programming)
Btw, I suck at torrents and the P-word searching. Can anyone drop some hints on where I might find free copies of the stupidly expensive ISO standards related to PDF /A /E /U variants?
See attached (It's just the index from my folder of PDF docs. Also incomplete; I still have to include a bunch of errata notes and other small docs from an Adobe page: