New toy day!
Got a Yokogawa/HP 4276A LCZ meter for just under 10000yen delivered (about a hundred bucks).
Cleaned up nice for the photo (also I replaced the strips of wood it had foam taped to the bottom for feet with proper HP ones), and if I can track down the required obsolete semiconductors and transistors, I reckon I might be able to build the Option 001 DC Bias Board Assembly. The full schematics, BOM and board layout are in the service manual which is awesome.
It also needs a new 2.4V NiCd battery and maybe a card edge connector due to the usual leakage and corrosion, and a replacement fan, but it apparently works according to the seller.......
Too bad the front terminal addon options are so stupidly expensive... I might have to put the 3D printer to work to rig up a terminal slot thingo for quick testing.
I also got a fistful of capacitors from Digikey today to replace the old ones in my 8903B Audio Analyzer too.
Surprisingly almost all the caps are tantalum throughout, with only the main bulk smoothing caps and a couple others (which I think are bulk smoothing/decoupling too probably) being aluminium electrolytic.