Greetings, I’m relatively new here, but Ive been an avid follower/lurker of the Channel and the forum... Guess this thread gets to
pop my post-cherryI just happened upon this thread, the morning after I made my FIRST scope purchase. Never had a fair/decent/reasonably-fully-functional one before. I currently have use a Sainsmart DDS120 and it’s pretty awful. Recently started a project and found out I need gooder one. Scoped (no pun intended) out the GW Instek 1000-series, the Tek 1000 series, and the highly regarded Rigol 1000-series. And alas, I decided on the Rigol DS1054Z— too bad it won’t ship until Monday. For now let’s settle for the invoice, shall we
Also decided to finally upgrade the insulated-with-cheap-ass-pvc test leads that Came with my Fluke 179 DMM. Hooray for silicone, hooray for buying genuine!