Bought a "360eye WIFI Wireless IP Camera 720P HD".
Ordered it on eBay for 18 Euro. Took over a month to arrive and it turns out to be a complete waste of time and money. A complete junk. Silly me, thinking a 18 Euro IP CAM would actually work:
1) It only connects to iPhone or Adroid phones. My mistake, should have read the description with more attention.
2) To set it up it will create a WIFI AP. Using this AP, no way you will connect from internet.
3) You can configure it to use your AP instead. No info on which port (5050 - found out through port scanner) to open on router for external access.
4) No control on network settings, ports, etc. All very obscure.
5) No power adapter included, requires USB 2A source - not easy to find, luckly I had one from Raspberry Pi.
6) Connection intermittent - after one successfull connection, it needs to be rebooted.
7) PC software works 1 out of 10 reboots.
SD Card reader fails to se SD card
This is the kind of device you feel like literally throwing out of the window. What a piece of junk! What a frustration, constrant reboots, no connection, then it connects, then it lags, then it doesn't connect anymore...
But, hey, 18 Euro - what the heck. The good purchses make up for it.