Author Topic: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!  (Read 2987218 times)

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Offline Vgkid

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1025 on: March 06, 2016, 05:55:04 am »
A very dusty old HP (well, technically Dymec) 2401C Integrating Digital Voltmeter.  It will be an interesting challenge to try to restore this beastie to its former glory.
Looking forward to it.
If you own any North Hills Electronics gear, message me. L&N Fan

Offline Cubdriver

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1026 on: March 06, 2016, 07:04:55 am »
I'm looking forward to it as well.  I've posted a few more random photos of it taken mainly out of boredom; they're in the gallery linked in my previous post.  I was able to download a PDF scan of the manual from Keysight; the quality isn't the greatest but it'll at least get me started.  Hopefully I'll be able to get an original somewhere on evilBay.

Like everything of that vintage that's HP related, the mechanical construction is first rate.  :-+

I'm debating trying to power it up, but would first need to scrounge a fuse and fuse holder insert as the original was pilfered at some point while it waited in purgatory at the surplus place. Perhaps tomorrow, after I've looked at the manual a bit more.

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Offline Nomsot

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1027 on: March 06, 2016, 01:41:51 pm »
I buy smartfone online. When I will get - I will take picture.

Offline Addicted2AnalogTek

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1028 on: March 06, 2016, 03:21:10 pm »

I'm debating trying to power it up, but would first need to scrounge a fuse and fuse holder insert as the original was pilfered at some point while it waited in purgatory at the surplus place. Perhaps tomorrow, after I've looked at the manual a bit more.


I've got a big pile of vintage fuse holder assemblies.   If you can specify some details about it, I may have what you need. I don't have any vintage HP gear so I'm not sure which ones they used. 
 It'll cost you an arm and a leg, though...   ;)   haha just kidding. Just reimburse me for shipping and it's yours. PM me if you're interested.

Offline Cubdriver

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1029 on: March 06, 2016, 06:10:03 pm »
I've got a big pile of vintage fuse holder assemblies.   If you can specify some details about it, I may have what you need. I don't have any vintage HP gear so I'm not sure which ones they used. 
 It'll cost you an arm and a leg, though...   ;)   haha just kidding. Just reimburse me for shipping and it's yours. PM me if you're interested.

A2AT -

I very much appreciate the offer, though I doubt I'll need to take you up on it - it's just a bog standard panel mount fuse holder (visible halfway up the front panel just inboard of the right side handle) that someone liberated the bayonet cap from.  If the fuse cap from a replacement holder won't fit, then with two quick solder connections and one nut, the whole thing can be replaced.  It even appears to be relatively accessible!  I the mean time I'll try to borrow something from another instrument to test it.

BTW - I also snagged Tek 503 and 504 mainframes in the same trip, along with some big honkin' filter caps to replace those in an old rack mount 506 I have, too.  And so a new gear addiction is born....

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Offline Addicted2AnalogTek

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1030 on: March 06, 2016, 06:37:56 pm »
BTW - I also snagged Tek 503 and 504 mainframes in the same trip, along with some big honkin' filter caps to replace those in an old rack mount 506 I have, too.  And so a new gear addiction is born....


Welcome to the Tek addict group!   I'm running out of places to put things and space to work on them....  I've got to buy a new house to accommodate my vintage gear addiction!!!


Offline Cubdriver

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1031 on: March 07, 2016, 05:54:01 am »
Well, some good news, and some slightly not good news.  Some of the good news - the two missing boards (A9 and A23) are not needed for the meter to function.   :-+  The slightly not good news - they ARE needed to use it with the 2410B AC/Ohms Converter that I inadvertently bought on my last trip (thinking it went with the 2402A I picked up then), which was a large part of the impetus to hunt down and buy this.   |O  Hopefully I can either scrounge them somewhere, or, more likely, fabricate replacements.

Additional good news - I found and bought a copy of the operating and service manual on evilBay. And with a fuse holder cap borrowed from another piece of gear, it fired up without any immediately evident issues and the magic smoke remained inside.

A few minutes with a paper towel and some windex made the front panel considerably more presentable, too.  (Since the meter is basically a voltage controlled counter, it wasn't difficult to incorporate some frequency measurement capabilities into it, so they did so.  This is showing the counter's self test function - and its age - note the frequency readout is in kc, not kHz.  IIRC, the counter is good to about 300kHz or so - no great shakes, but I can't see complaining about functionality that was basically included for free...)

I'll start a thread in test equipment or repair once I get it on the bench and begin to give it a proper going over.  The sample rate knob will be replaced with a proper HP knob at that time.

If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway...

Offline VK5RC

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1032 on: March 08, 2016, 10:12:12 am »
Hi Pat that looks lovely, I do love Nixie gear, it looks very similar in vintage to an HP 5245L I am in the process of trying to repair, I am not sure if you have seen the work of robrenz here on some old HP gear, he has done a lovely job. He also gives some good advice about cleaning knobs etc.

I have tried to put some of the better posts re mechanical/chassis repair techniques in a sticky topic which may be of use.

Good luck re the restoration.
Whoah! Watch where that landed we might need it later.

Offline Cubdriver

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1033 on: March 09, 2016, 03:05:02 am »
Yes, Robert - I've seen robrenz's work (incredible - when he's finished with them, the instruments look better than they did when they came off the assembly line!!) along with that sticky.  Both are helpful and inspirational, and I've spent a good bit of time looking through the posts.  IIRC robrenz is the one that prompted me to try the magic eraser sponges on things after seeing his results; they do truly work magic.  (They also need to be kept on a high shelf - my cats consider them prey and when I forget to hide them enjoy chewing them into little pieces of sponge that wind up scattered around on the floor. |O)  I can aspire to robrenz's level of refinishing, but likely won't get within spitting distance of it.

I like the old nixie stuff, too (obviously) - got started with it after a post a few years ago on the HP mailing list mentioning people cannibalizing 5245Ls for their display tubes as they were relatively inexpensive.  I looked on the bay and almost immediately stumbled on one for very little $$ and bought it (not planning to cannibalize it, rather more to save one from that possible fate at someone else's hands).  I decided it was a very cool old piece of equipment, and then began hunting others of similar vintage - attempting to kind of 'collect the whole set' for no logical reason other than they're interesting pieces of hardware.  This naturally led to the nixie meters as well, and here we are.

If only the damned things didn't weigh so damned much - they cost a fortune to ship, and are a bear to pack.  If/when I get the 2401C and 2410B fixed and talking to one another, I'll have a six digit bench meter than can measure AC & DC voltage, and resistance.  It will be 19" wide by 19" deep, roughly 15" tall, and weigh about 100 lbs total.   :-DD :-DD

I ain't right in the head, I tell ya!!

I wish you luck with your 5245L - it's a fine boat anchor!  What's going on with yours?


Edit to correct typo - I bought a 5245L, not a 5243L.  D'oh!
« Last Edit: March 09, 2016, 09:20:25 am by Cubdriver »
If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway...

Offline TAMHAN

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1034 on: March 09, 2016, 05:26:54 am »
Well, I ended up with two SysTron Donner 615x counters for a similar reason. Didnt have enough time to work them over yet, tho.

But, on a happier note. If you guys ever want to be done with Nixies, I might have a little something. Think data logging an sheet ;)
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Offline VK5RC

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1035 on: March 09, 2016, 08:42:27 am »
Hi Pat, re 5245L the heater in the OCXO shorted, took out power PNP , signal PNP (both Ge), 4 diodes, one transformer AND COUNTING!!!!!! The build quality on this vintage gear is just such a delight; recently a Agilent 53230 counter of mine went intermittent on Ch1 (of course out of warranty) , the BNC is directly mounted on the only PCB card with bugger all other mechanical support so the PCB fractures, fortunately there is some pads nearby so an easy fix but Dave and Bill would be turning in their grave.
Whoah! Watch where that landed we might need it later.

Offline Cubdriver

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1036 on: March 09, 2016, 09:18:53 am »
Ouch!  Sounds like the shorted heater REALLY did the scorched earth thing and made certain that a lot of the magic smoke got out.  Hopefully you manage to get it sorted and nothing more has been taken out by the short.

I agree wholeheartedly - the build quality is wonderful.  This was definitely Cadillac/Mercedes/Rolls Royce/<insert favorite luxury brand here> gear in its day, and it shows in the construction.  It's well laid out, the manuals tell you how it works and how to troubleshoot it (a far cry from today when it seems you're lucky if you get a block diagram) and have component layout diagrams and schematics.  Heck, look at how much of it is still operational 30, 40 and 50+ years after it was manufactured.

It sounds like the random fault generator in your 53230 worked exactly as designed - do not break until the warranty period has expired. I'm glad to hear it was an easy mechanical fix, but as you imply, it shouldn't have happened, and wouldn't had a bit more care been used in the physical design to isolate the connector from the board.  Unfortunately it seems that the bean counters have taken over almost everywhere, and look to squeeze every bit of cost out of things, long term reliability be damned.  Yep, Dave & Bill are very likely acting like flywheels.  Ugh.

Here's wishing you success with the 5245L repair.

If it jams, force it.  If it breaks, you needed a new one anyway...

Offline Muttley Snickers

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1037 on: March 11, 2016, 11:13:23 am »
I went on a bit of a hunt around the local council recycle centers and picked up a few items of interest, I was specifically after another metal housing for a power supply project and came across a few of these units listed below, I grabbed one and at only ten bucks each couldn’t go wrong really considering that I also ended up with a few 10 x 38 10 Amp HRC fuses that went with the unit  ;) so now have some more spares for the multimeters.

The power supply itself measures H145mm x W230mm x D300mm overall and the toroidal transformer which I don’t really need is H80mm x D200mm and rated at 2000 watts, 8.33 Amp and is split into 120 + 120 Volt on the secondary, the label on the case says Peach Audio Balanced Power Supply and after a bit of research indications are that these are worth big bucks new but they might be just another one of those audio foolery type gadgets but that’s not for me to judge, the toroidial transformer is from Tortech Australia model 2000-2-120E and is dated 2001 but not listed on their site so it could be a custom job, anyway it all works as is and weighs a ton, I have put some links below for those interested.

« Last Edit: March 11, 2016, 01:29:40 pm by Muttley Snickers »

Offline rrinker

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1038 on: March 11, 2016, 02:38:56 pm »
 A followup on the E3610A. I got an email from the vendor saying they may have shipped some dodgy power cords. Indeed, the picture was of the one they included in my power supply. I'm not sure what the issue is - I did look over the cord and I don't see any obvious defects, although as a Wung Hung Lo brand I don't think I'd trust it up to the 10 amp rating printed on the cords. But the 3610 is fused at 2 amps, thus is must draw no more than 2 amps, so it's probably OK. I've already used the cord to power it up and check it out, didn't notice anything like maybe the plug blades being loose that they'd pull out or anything. However, in interests of safety, the vendor is mailing out free replacements to everyone affected. So another  :-+ for Alltest, for sending out both a notification email to all customers who might be affected and then supplying a free replacement. Perhaps I'll slice into the supposed defective one and see what the issue might be - perhaps it's aluminum or steel wire instead of copper inside.


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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1039 on: March 11, 2016, 05:43:12 pm »
I got an email from the vendor saying they may have shipped some dodgy power cords
Might want to check if the polarity is reversed (reports of this happening before).

Offline suicidaleggroll

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1040 on: March 11, 2016, 11:56:09 pm »
Bought the Flir One!

So far I'm loving it, easy to use and the results are great.

Offline rrinker

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1041 on: March 12, 2016, 12:01:08 am »
I got an email from the vendor saying they may have shipped some dodgy power cords
Might want to check if the polarity is reversed (reports of this happening before).

 Ha, you called it!  Line plug side goes to neutral IEC connector side and vice-versa.

Offline Addicted2AnalogTek

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1042 on: March 12, 2016, 01:51:52 am »
Scored a Tek 485 for $80

Some 50ohm Tek probes...
P6056 & P6057

annnnddd last but obviously not least since it's required for all this gear I have to function properly (or at all)..

About $200 worth of goodies from thee Mouser.

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1043 on: March 12, 2016, 02:46:25 am »
A new set of hiking boots.ASOLO.
Nice boots for a old guy plenty pricey made in Romania.
I have put about 10 miles on them.
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Offline Iwanushka

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1044 on: March 13, 2016, 05:34:42 pm »
Bought Hakko FR-810 hot air station, will post a review/photos when it arrives

Also art of electronics 3rd edition, brymen bm869s
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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1045 on: March 13, 2016, 10:53:17 pm »
Two 50k trimmers and an LM358. Big spender!

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1046 on: March 14, 2016, 05:49:22 am »
Two 50k trimmers and an LM358. Big spender!

If you buy in those quantities, you probably were a big spender.  Most vendors have a very serious low-quantity markup and if you do mail-order from a cheap vendor the postage will be several times more than that parts.  I have those parts, pretty sure I bought 20x or more of each when I got them and then I never have to buy them again.  In fact, just used a LM358 on a little absolute-value test circuit I just completed.  Turned out to be super accurate, considering it is using a 10 cent op-amp.
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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1047 on: March 14, 2016, 06:38:11 am »
You're right. I think that cost £3 for perhaps £1 of parts. I could go for quantity but it's  accumulation then and then there is mental, storage and time cost added to it. For a one shot project, I don't mind paying through the nose.

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1048 on: March 14, 2016, 11:23:11 pm »
I bought myself a new solder sucker, casue my cheaper one broke on me. now i got a slightly better one, made of metal..seems to be working great..

no pic needed, if you seen one you seen all.
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Offline TheSteve

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Re: What did you buy today? Post your latest purchase!
« Reply #1049 on: March 14, 2016, 11:28:35 pm »
A friend gave me a great deal on an HP53132A frequency counter, Marconi 2945A service monitor and a Bird 4421 RF watt meter with remote head.
So many toys to play with tonight!

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