So I am done with my Electrical Engineering studies and applying for jobs at the moment. I found one really nice open position, and I am already quite far in the application process. It goes into the direction of testing/validation, and it sounds super interesting to me, because it goes deep down to the technological level of the products. And I love the company.
But there is one downside: I asked, and they are using labview. But I utterly hate and despise labview. Its a cancer and it needs to die
To be honest, that they use labview didn't come as a total surprise to me. It wasn't mentioned in the job desciption, but when I applied for the job I knew that there is a chance to encounter it, because its such a standard tool in test/measurement jobs. I guess I was just hoping I could get around it.
So what do you say? Am I to picky about that? Should I just overcome my hate against labview, because after all, its just my first job, so I will maybe do it for the next, say, 3 years? Or is it already a bad basis to start a job when I already know for sure that I will dislike a specific part about it? (but as I've said, the rest of the job is interesting me a lot: digging for potential problems, data analysis, automating tests, influencing product development, but also hands-on work in the lab)
If you maybe have a similar story (not necessarily specifically about Labview) to share (both negative and positive) I would like to hear about it.
Also please don't turn this thread into a Pro/Con Flamewar about Labview. I have worked with it extensively. I can see its advantages in easily interfacing with measurement instruments, and 5-minute-quick&dirty GUI frontends that a factory worker can interprete (I also have worked as technician in the past, so I have been an end-user of the labview outcomes).
But all that goes beyond that is an absolute pain in the butt in my opinion. I have friends that *love* labview, and they tried to convince me. But every time they try I think:
You could've done the same in 1/4th of the time if you would've sat down for one week and taught yourself a "proper" programming language."