Bit late but better post before it gets later...
If engineers are so dumb these days as you say, why do they get into discussing things they not only do not understand, but, worse, also don't want to understand?
Oh! Of course! They're dumb.
Maybe the average IQ of engineers is dropping as governments worldwide seem desperate to pump up careers in "ICT"? But I'd be more worried about the increasing proportion for whom it is really not their calling, rather than some synthetic measure of imbued stupid. And it would be a terrible generalisation to apply to individuals. There's differences between not being able to understand, not wanting to understand, not having the time, having other academic priorities etc.
Re-bringing up my comparison to medicine, few doctors are going to remember or use details of molecular biology or anatomy, which is arguably as fundamental and unchanging as classical EM theory. They might still want to discuss things from their training, over a few beers, while performing an easy surgery (oops not that last bit). These won't be 'teaching quality discussions'.
That's just belief at work. The dubiously existent backfire effect. Maxwellians have been equally triggered by comments which go against their worldview.
Have you heard of an Einsteinian? If someone calls your attention to the fact that you might be making mistakes because you don't really understand the theory of relativity, you call this person an Einsteinian?
There's no such thing as a "Maxwellian". Maxwell's equations are the theory of everything classical electromagnetism. Everything that is classically electric/magnetic has to be checked against this theory and, if it fails, dismissed right away.
So Maxwell's equations are not a worldview, they are a theoretical tenet of our trade. That's why people get impatient when someone exhibits total ignorance of that fact and claims to be an electronics engineer at the same time. That's cringe worthy and embarrassing.
The word is "relativists" (or similar). They were considered 'alternative' - not so much because of any belief Einstein was wrong, but the establishment thought his theories of no great significance, or not worth upsetting the apple cart over. I can also use the term if I believe he was not wrong, but missing something. So yes, "relativist", or colloquially, "Einsteinian".
If it's not a worldview, and just a theory, then I can take it or leave it, without fear of others' impatience, cringe or referred embarrassment. There is something quite inconsistent with your argument.
Or I can accept it is beyond me, and by your argument that circuit theory etc is a subset of his theory, then rely on these tools.
Or I can look on it as fondly as I like, but reject the mathematics as intractable and unpleasant to my tastes.
And it really is intractable and not far off useless in the real world. The people pushing the 'high end' EM solutions are not coming to the party with the tensor calculus. (Who would go to that?!) The only point of Maxwell's equations existing, apart from existing applications (like radio, and QFT) is putting into numerical solvers. Engineers need not understand it quantitatively at all, because it is effectively useless.
It's a thought experiment. Thought experiments are designed to test the limits of a concept. You're not expected to really accomplish them. ...
I disagree it's a thought experiment. Apart from the impracticality of scale, it's an eminently testable and calculable physical circuit, using any number of currently acceptable tools and individual interpretations. (Yes Veritasium's video somewhat trickily conflates concepts but I think that's his entire point - he's trying to very validly support that clickbait title with proof that electrical energy flows in fields. Which it has to, if the light bulb turns on before 1 second. Which we know it does. I disagree that it follows that energy does not flow in wires, but that doesn't alter the proof of concept Derek provides to blow minds.)
Avoiding Maxwell is not an option. Whether you are aware that what you doing is described by his theory or not. He's inescapable.
Many things I might do are described by many theories people may hold and that I may or may not be aware of. That does not mean I'm using them! If I grow wings and become capable of flight (and do fly), that isn't because of some cosmic permission granted by the author of a theory of flight. It’s not a capability imparted to me by birds (unless my abilities come from observations of birds and what they do with their wings - in that sense Maxwell is responsible for radio, but he was also responsible for trichromatic colour photography, arguably as useful as radio). He doesn't stand alone (nor do his achievements, in the sense that I'm not aware of a gaggle of "Maxwellians" going round insisting that 'His' image is displayed on the corner of all RGB Bayer arrays - but where can I sign up?!).