A full field model isn't so easy to visualize, for the reasons covered by the first explanation here:
Edit2: Analysis slides using transmission line models linked by Derek: https://ve42.co/bigcircuit [Would light up at 1/c but would take ~2 sec (for the 1 light second total width case) to reach peak]
Namely, that you're considering the superposition of common and differential mode waves, one of which disperses readily (roughly inverse with distance, proportional to frequency of the components), the other which remains between the lines, at least given ideal enough geometry.
Note this means, at a great enough distance, and given some approximation so as to ignore what CM energy remains at that given distance: the driven line will go up at Vdiff/2 while its partner goes down to -Vdiff/2. This is obvious enough when you consider the TL as a transformer, and it's just transformer action making a balun. Except it's not really a transformer, it's wires in space radiating the common mode -- but we can use a transformer plus termination resistances to model the same thing in a compact structure.
When you're doing full fields, you can still do the same decomposition, but if you're thinking about it whole, as \$\vec{E}(\vec{x}, t)\$ or \$\vec{B}(\vec{x}, t)\$ from instant to instant, you will quickly run into trouble because it's a superposition of waves at different velocities, and the solution is tricky. Recognizing decompositions (superposition of modes) is key to solving problems like this.
We could further complicate matters by noting that, at least where the lines are in proximity to the Earth (and, for expedience, we might simply wrap the lines around the Earth many times, rather than actually launching them straight-line into space
), ground effect, and the effective dielectric constant of air and the ground*, act to slow the CM wave, trapping it towards the surface, causing dispersion, scattering and dissipation. This applies to whatever part of the DM field interacts with the surface, too.
*In general, we can treat the ground as a material of varying, complex, permittivity (and permeability if applicable). In the same way that complex impedance (reactance) is conservative rather than dissipative (real resistance), imaginary permittivity is dissipative rather than conservative. Probably dry soil and rock will be mostly real, while wet soil, water and ocean (and magma, deeper still) will contribute a significant imaginary component.