As you can well and truly imagine, most of the information about these facilities, operations, equipment and personnel are classified, but not all to Secret or Top Secret level. Many government ground stations worldwide are known to the public but not all are visible in satellite images. Radomes for example not only protect the dishes from the elements, but also prevent the direction in which the dishes are pointing from being known.
All information is encrypted at least once and protected networks are completely separate from anything even closely connected to the internet. Most data processing is done off-site inside buildings you may have unknowingly driven past. Those covert sites are not known or published to the general public and only those with a "need to know" are aware of their locations.
In Australia anything classified as "Protected" and above is generally not delivered over the internet, encrypted or not. Other methods are used, such as private networks, physical handling via "safe hand" etc...
Anything you find on the internet is generally unclassified and is public knowledge. Even the information in the Snowden leaks wasn't particularly sensitive or detailed. Anything else, you won't have access to and those that know won't tell you.