However, the semiconductor tariff that we're talking about here seems awkward and weird. Fabs have been placed globally for years in places like Costa Rica, Malaysia, Korea (before its modern development) and so on. AFAIK, China has yet to dominate this market and there's no immediate danger of them doing so--short of overrunning Taiwan and capturing TSMC. Someone correct me if I'm misinformed about that.
I'm not sure and I would be more careful with this statement...
There is a lot of fearmongering and a lot of ignorance.
China now is interested in trade and the best way to promote peace, always, is to promote trade, exchange, understanding.
The best way to create conditions for war is to block trade, exchange, understanding.
The thing is that countries enter spirals of fear. Oh, they have bad intentions, we better be hostile and prepare for the worst. Then the other side sees that and does the same and soon a spiral gets out of control and war ensues.
As long as the West trades with China, China is not interested in upsetting the boat. If the West paints China into a corner then we can expect bad things to happen. Putting pressure on any country or people with the justification that they might do bad things is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
"Cet animal est très méchant. Quand on l'attaque il se défend."
This animal is very vicious. When it is attacked it defends itself.
Quote from La Ménagerie, a burlesque song from 1868.
Trade, communication, exchange, understanding are the best things for peace and they are sorely lacking in today's world.