The Semiconductor Economic Field is quite unique & complex indeed.
1) What % of the chip cost is directly attributed to manual labor?
2) What % of the chip is attributed to NRE development cost?
3) What % to fab/facility cost?
4) What's the time line and direct cost to
steal copy a competitors chip, when to break even?
5) When is it profitable to move a chip design to a new smaller feature process?
6) What benefits/subsidies do different fab/facilities location provide?
If one thinks about it, when is it economically $ viable for a Semi Company to build a new SOTA fab (>$25B today), how many acres of Silicon does it take to break even on this investment? What Harvard MBA would even consider this investment unless some "outside" investments (subsidies) were at stake.
These "investments" may not all be about $, these might include country security/wellbeing/future as well. Ever wonder what's behind the TSMC 2 fabs being built in Arizona???
Yes, the Semiconductor
Economic Field is quite unique & complex indeed, where
Economic entails more than just $
So the decision on this imposed tariff seems short-sided and ill advised indeed, but here in US we've come to expect such from the Washington Wizards (Wayne's World context, NOT) we've elected over the past half century