Why? We're all going to stay befriended nations, whatever the outcome. Everyone will do their best to make the situation after the vote work.
Of course. Import and export will go on like before. Will be transported and payed as before.
Some politicians and their bureaucracy of the +7 levels above me will have to adapt somewhat, quickly write some notes, and redefine some priorities.
No big changes are to be expected.
Pretty much everyone in the Remain camp has admitted that reform of the current EU is necessary.
Like 5,10,15 and 20 years ago. Voting for change/reform will give change/reform. But what change/reform?
If remain wins (let's say with 52%), they will get reform. A whole bunch of unreadable documents that makes referenda de-facto impossible.
What if it is 50/50 or close to that, probably nothing will happen?
It will be. The result will be within the fault margin that "counting votes" always has.
I also would prefer a referendum with a very easy entrance exam, to keep the 10% complete idiots of both sides out.
I haven't found one place/reference that claims it's legaly binding.
So they still can get out, even if 55% votes remain :-)