indeed they are all chairmans.
And I could also not name all the ministers in our cabinet let alone the state secretaries.
Anyway, the brexit is a good sign the EU should hold back a bit, it was going to fast without solving issues that really need to be solved.
What I also did not like one bit is that all countries had to economize because of the bad economic climate but the EU wanted more money each and every year.
That is rediculous, if all countries in the EU are doing great, fine they can raise their budget but if all countries are suffering so should they.
Also the EU employees have unbelievable tax benefits and traveling expenses that are beyond your wildest dreams. They should just act as normal as our own governments and pipe down a bit.
And concerning buying all the worthless bonds of all eu countries the last two years, OMG what are they thinking.
Come to think of it, why are we not leaving