I will certainly be voting to leave.
Whatever one's views and opinions are on democracy, sovereignty, migration control etc are (and everyone is entitled to their own, it is naturally subjective, and therefore impossible to say that a certain opinion is "wrong" and another is "right"), what is an objective fact is that the EU is a hopelessly inefficient, incredibly bloated, and extremely wasteful bureaucracy.
Hardly anyone who works there can properly explain just what the Council of Europe, The European Council, The European Parliament, etc etc actually do and how they do it.
For me, sovereignty is extremely important. The highest parliament governing the UK should be in the UK. The highest court ruling on UK cases should be in the UK. Decisions on whom may live and work in the UK should be taken by the UK and the UK alone.
Many people rightly complain about our unelected House of Lords, but the undemocraticness (is that a word?) of the EU system swamps that.
I am sure there will be a little wobble to our economy if we leave, but that will be a small price worth paying, as the EU economy is in a death spiral.
I sincerely hope that we vote to leave, and after a few years when the transition is over and the sky hasn't fallen, our brothers and sisters across the continent make the same move and leave the sinking ship.