Electronics as a hobby is outrageously fun
On the corporate treadmill, it's not worth it as a career now. The component shortages have tripled the amount of work and stress.
You are constantly getting disrupted by people barging in, there's some part that cannot be procured "can you find an alternate?". Drop everything and panic, do instant re-design and "oh keep up the schedule" on everything else you are working on.
I design-in a (passive) part 10,000's in stock at disti's and then someone swoops in and scoops up all the stock, now 40 week lead-time. Hoarding is lucrative right now, the scalpers load up on parts and sell for massive overprice and are adding to the shortages. Just bought MCU's at 10X the old price. Small business has no choice but to pay, to have some product to sell, to keep manufacturing busy.
Some engineers are frustrated, angry and stressed from the constant blind-siding. You have to look after yourself and don't be a saviour for the company. In the lock-downs, hours were cut, and staff let go, so even less support now.
Supply Chain can't find alternates, can't get management to approve spending money for stock, can't get parts any better than me using my Visa card and a web order. They are of no help. Change career to Supply Chain, they don't actually do anything and get paid for it lol.
So I agree it's no fun anymore and I'm avoiding any new projects because things are so unpredictable right now. Late stage, going into regulatory testing, a part vanishes and it's another new panic that blows up the project.
I suspect the shortages are actually a trade war with our favorite country and it won't ease up like we all think.