Feel free to disregard ANY comments to the tune of "get a Raspberry pi, and..." - yeah, no, don't. Whoever is offering such terrible "advice" is doing so because they're a "fan" of the Pi and therefore, when you have a hammer, EVERYTHING is a nail that needs said hammer. The Pi is useful for many things, but as a USEFUL and PRACTICAL OS for daily use, even the thought of recommending it immediately signals a red flag in my mind, saying "this person doesn't know what they're on about" - DO NOT use the Pi for that.
Here's the problem with nerds & engineers - they think because THEY have the time to fanny and faff around with niche, obscure "solutions", then everyone else will find it useful too. Nope - there's BETTER ways - even, GASP, dare I say, the ever-crappy Amazon Fire TV stick is an infinitely better browsing experience than on the Pi.
Occum's razor applies here - use the SIMPLEST solution, not a Pi "just because it's a pi, and we need to be seen applying them as a one-size-fits-all to every conceivable problem" No no no no NO! WRONG mindset!
Use anything BUT a Pi, and you'll be calm and stress free.