Heh, that's cool. Not just improving transmission antenna gain by getting closer to a wavelength long, but also demonstrating the far more important principle of investigation by experiment.
"There is a principle, which is a bar against all information, which is proof against all arguments and which cannot fail to keep a man in everlasting ignorance - that principle is contempt prior to investigation."
-- Herbert Spencer, 1820-1903
This applies in politics and history, as well as science. Also when investigating an aircraft disappearance, in a very high disinformation-noise environment.
I'm not sure, but isn't it a sidetrack that he's talking about water? I'd have thought any conductor would do. His head (and the bottle of water) are just acting as a vertical conductor. Capacitive coupled in the case of the water bottle.
I laughed when he said "this is something everyone can try." Well, except for people who choose to drive old, non-computerized cars, like me.
First time I've ever come across a downside to that choice. Now I can't test whether it specifically has to be water. Vs any old bit of wire, or better yet a correctly tuned antenna and tank circuit.
Ah, excuses. OK, I could borrow one. And the real reason I won't do it is that I'm not curious enough about this to make the effort.