Ebastler: You asked 'What is it good for?'...
Answer is, unfortunately, somewhat flippant:
"...The thing is good for... Making an ANALOGY..." They will declare, (with a straight face).
...I was working in the 'educational products' industry, for some number of years..."What did we make ? " you ask ?
I just told you; "We make educational products."
That's a whole, separate world, in itself. No one, absolutely NO ONE, not one educator EVER showed even the slightest interest, in going beyond the rhetoric,
beyond, maybe, saying "I heard, that COMPUTERS are going to be a big thing...".
Statements like that. Course, don't lose faith, I just got an 'unlucky stretch', of cynics feedback.
'Educational' has become a buzzword, for me, as around 10 years ago, that topic became overused, in presidential debates, even!