I'm hoping they'll be able to integrate their stock status throughout their
new site, like Monoprice does. For instance, as of this posting there are two items clearly out of stock here:
http://www.monoprice.com/Category?c_id=102&cp_id=10218 So it can be seen at a higher level like that. Also, on the product page itself, right up near the price and very visible, it says "Backorder" with ETA of "7/19/2013". The ETA is even in red text to make it stand out:
http://www.monoprice.com/products/product.asp?c_id=102&cp_id=10218&cs_id=1021811&p_id=6753&seq=1&format=2 There's even an option to notify when available.
That's probably my #1 annoyance with their site, that until you order the item or unless you call/chat/ask for a quote (who's estimate has even then been wrong a large percentage of the time for me) the stock status isn't clear. Many modern sites have stock status integrated very visibly so it would be nice if TEquipment.net jumped on board with this site update.
Another annoyance is that there's not an apparent way to search or sort by performance characteristics, only by "Type" or by "Brand". Newegg's "Power Search" is one of the most comprehensive examples I've seen. If you're looking for a motherboard, for example, only filtering by "Type" or "Brand" would be completely inadequate if you don't already have one picked out. With "Power Search" though you can filter by almost any characteristic you might want to (except PCB color - and that would just be silly):
http://www.newegg.com/Product/PowerSearch.aspx?N=100007627&IsNodeId=1&SubCategory=280&GASearch=3 Every time I've used their site I've already known exactly which product I want to buy ahead of time, though, so that hasn't been too big of a problem for me. Besides, the
new site will address searching by specs so that shouldn't be a problem much longer.