A while back I posted about how it might be possible to obtain flux from pine trees. Well after chopping down a few saplings, collecting a little bit of sap, dissolving in alcohol, filtering it off and then heating said sap in an oven to 250F to drive off the alcohol I was left with about ~5ml of some water clear slightly yellow very sticky rosin. And, after a few quick test runs I'm happy to say the rosin, while not exactly "no clean" works just as good or better than the stuff Rat Shack used to sell in the tubs and the residue is a whole lot easier to clean up. Needless to say I have yet to get the entire process refined, but basically what I have learned is that if you wanna milk a pine tree, you gotta cover the wound (or in my case, the stumps) as the sap will quickly dry and turn into some hard white chunky crap that is impossible to scrap off and collect. Also when heating it up to drive off the alcohol, enough sap to fill up about two soda bottle caps is capable of making your house smell like a pine tree exploded in it when driving off the alcohol. Oh and don't use anything that you are not prepared to throw away for an evaporation dish. Me, I used an aluminum foil lined tunafish can.
I think later on this afternoon I'm gonna chop down 10-15 more saplings and try and get some pictures of the process... all goes well I should have enough rosin to last me quite some time.