I agree with Unc,it's Leo's magazine,& if his readers don't like it,they won't buy it.
Just turn the page,or write to the mag ,& dispute with him.
In the end,as an Electronics magazine,it's the technical content that it lives & dies by.
It's not uncommon for the Editor/Publisher of Technical mags to push their own agenda.
"73" Magazine in the USA was a good "Ham Radio" magazine.but Wayne Green started to push such ideas as "Cold Fusion","Apollo 11 Hoax",etc, while the Tech content withered away,with the result that the mag died.
Although Leo's ideas may seen a bit "out there" to some of us,he is well inside the mainstream,unlike Wayne!
I don't subscribe to magazines,anyway,but pick them up at news agents if there is any thing that takes my eye.
I think that as long as Leo eschews such ideas as referred to above,we should ignore his peccadilloes!
At least he hasn't tried to turn "Silicon Chip" into an "Electronic Lifestyle magazine".